Zion Balogun has melted the hearts of social media users, after he gave out his used toys to a charity home in Ghana. Zion and his mom, Jada have been in Ghana since the festivities. Yesterday, a video of the mother and son giving out Zion’s used toys made the rounds on social media. He was also pictured playing and interreacting with a couple of them. His mom, Jada wrote; ZION & I VISTED AN ORPHANAGE TODAY BEFORE WE LEFT FOR LONDON. I HAD HIM SELECT FROM SOME OF HIS FAVOURITE TOYS IT WASN’T EASY HAVING A 5 YEAR OLD PUT ASIDE TWO SUITCASES OF TOYS. BUT HE DID IT I CONSISTENTLY HAD TO EXPLAIN TO HIM THE REASON BEHIND WHY HE WAS DOING IT… AS I WATCHED HIM PLAY WITH THE KIDS AND GIVE AWAY TOYS & CLOTHES. IT BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES INSTALLING MOMENTS LIKE THIS IN HIM IS SO PRICELESS.
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