Tiwa Savage, a renowned Nigerian musician, has released a new single titled “Stamina,” which features Ayra Starr and Young John. The track was produced by Magicsticks, who is known for his hit productions, especially with Asake.

The upbeat and groovy song is a blend of Afropop, Afrobeats, and Amapiano, with Tiwa Savage carrying a message of consent and hopeless romance in her lyrics. On the chorus, she sings, “so many things I can do to you, if only you give me the permission to, give me the permission to show you the thing I carry.”

Young John’s delivery on the song is carefully calculated, while Ayra Starr’s captivating verse is sure to leave listeners dazzled. The song explores themes of resilience and determination, with Tiwa Savage and Young John encouraging listeners to keep going, no matter the challenges they face. Ayra Starr adds to the message, urging listeners to stay focused and fight for what they want.

According to reports, “Stamina” has already received positive reception, and it is expected to dominate the Nigerian airwaves. However, the song also carries a message that can be heard around the world. It celebrates hard work and resilience while subtly shedding light on consent and its importance.

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