In the ongoing saga between Nigerian music veterans, Eedris Abdulkareem has penned an open letter directed at his junior colleague, Burna Boy, expressing disappointment and addressing recent contentious exchanges between the two artists.

The rift between Abdulkareem and Burna Boy escalated amidst allegations of disrespect to Afrobeats and accusations of song theft from Fela Kuti’s repertoire.

Abdulkareem’s letter, shared on Instagram on Saturday, February 17, 2024, highlighted his dismay at Burna Boy’s reported wish for his demise and criticism of his health struggles.

In the heartfelt post, Abdulkareem condemned Burna Boy’s purported mockery of his health crisis and disparagement of individuals who aided in his recovery, labeling such behavior as deeply regrettable. He further denounced threats to his life, describing them as tasteless and unacceptable.

Addressing Burna Boy’s actions as “the most nauseating foul prank of all time,” Abdulkareem expressed disappointment at the perceived arrogance and insensitivity exhibited by the celebrated artist. He emphasized his intention to respond to Burna Boy through his medium of expression, music, hinting at an upcoming single titled Essay to Burna Boy.

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